Substances changing the world
The polymer industry — concerned essentially with the polymers produced synthetically from natural gas or natural oil — represents one of the worldwide most innovative industries and provides for our products and system solutions for solids/liquid separation a wide and always challenging field of applications. We are separating continuously plastics particles sized from a few micrometers up to several millimetres from water-based or also organic suspensions.
If required we are washing off adhering residue solutions and direct the plastics material to one of our thermal drying units. Also subsequent control screening or the further steps of sampling from the continuous process are part of our portfolio. Polyamides (PA), polycarbonates (PC), polyether sulphones (PES), polymethylmethacrylates (PMMA), polyolefines (HDPE), (UHMWPE), polyoxymethylenes (POM), polystyrols (PS, EPS), polyvinyl alcohols (PVA), polyvinyl butyrals (PVB), polyvinyl chlorides (PVC), styrol copolymerisates (ABS, SAN) are some of the synthetic polymers which we are processing successfully with our machines and systems.
In the recent decade plastics based on renewable raw materials are completing increasingly our portfolio. These include e.g. poly lactic acid (PLA), cellulose acetat (CA) or polyhydroxy butyric acid (PHB). The quickly growing demand for high-quality materials for 3D printers means is considered by us an additional growth factor for high-grade innovative polymers.
You are faced with new challenges — we are your partner.
De-watering and drying of styrenic polymers
TitelРешения Применения
- Темопластические эластомеры TPE
- Блок-сополимер стирола SBC
- Стирол акрилонитриловая смола SAN
- Резиновый порошок
- Поливинилхлорид ПВХ
- Поливинилбутиральный ПВБ
- Поливиниловый спирт PVOH
- Поливинилацетат ПВА
- Полистирол PS
- Полистироловые бусины
- Полипропилен PP
- Полиоксиметилен ПОМ
- Полиолефины
- Полиметилметакрилат ПММА
- Капли полимера
- Полилактическая кислота PLA
- Полиэтилентерефталат PET
- Полиэтилен PE
- Поликарбонат PC
- Полиамид 6.6 — PA 6.6
- Полиамид 6 — PA 6
- Полиакрилат
- Полиакриламидный бисер
- Пластиковый бисер
- Пеллеты (Полимер)
- Нейлон 66
- Нейлон 6
- Микрогранулы
- Метакрилат-бутадиен-стирол MBS
- Полиэтилен низкой плотности LDPE
- Полиэтилен высокой плотности HDPE
- Вспененный полистирол EPS
- Этилен-виниловый спирт EVOH
- Этиленвинилацетат EVA
- Комбинированные гранулы
- хлорированная резина
- Хлорированный полиэтилен CPE
- Биополимеры
- Акрилонитрил-бутадиен-стирол ABS